In the technology driven world of today, our phones put everything at our fingertips, and the ability to access data on mobile is becoming more and more important. That’s why we at Chartmetric decided to hunker down and totally revamp our mobile app.
We wanted to create a seamless, fun, and engaging experience for those who want to check their music data on the go. Our mobile app has had a long journey to get to where it is today, which is why we are very happy to introduce you our upgraded mobile experience.
Fresh New Look
One of the biggest changes that you’ll notice in our mobile app is the updated look. With new designs for the home page, milestones, and profile pages, we hope to provide users with personalized, smooth interactions with their data while using our app.

On our Home Page, you’ll discover easy access to your top artists, as well as be able to instantly find any Chartmetric entity with the shortcut search. Our new Milestone and Noteworthy Insight designs come in the form of swipeable and shareable cards on the home page, along with a full screen view in the Milestones Tab. You can now post these beautifully styled achievements directly to your social media. Our different profile and list pages have also received a design update, making the stats and numbers clear to view and understand, with easy-to-use tabs and smart coloration.
More Digits, More Discoveries
We wouldn’t be Chartmetric without showing charts and displaying metrics. Now, you can find more data than we’ve ever shown on our app in the past. From Track Stats and Trends, to Charts, to Playlist specifics, all the most important metrics are now at your fingertips. Simply tap to interact with graphs, sort by platforms, and drill down on the details that matter.

Smoother, Faster Experience
We acknowledge our previous app experience wasn't as seamless as it could be, especially on Android devices. Now, our mobile app pulls and displays data at record speeds, no matter which device you’re checking us out on.

Rolling out just in time for the holidays, think of the new app as a little present from us to you! Try it out, and if you enjoy it, please leave a review or let us know by emailing [email protected] if you have an ideas on how we can make it your ideal app.

Whats next?
The Mobile App Development train is still chugging away! Here are some upcoming features you can get excited for:
- Artist and Track List Pages
- More Data for Artist Profiles
- Robust Notifications and Mobile Reports