Chartmetric's Design Overhaul and Why It Matters

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like, design is how it works." Steve Jobs

In the past few months we've begun refreshing Chartmetric’s brand identity; unveiling a new logo and redesigning the interface to symbolize our renewed vision for music & data. As we introduce new tools such as Playlist Journeys and A&R Prediction; we made it a top priority to make the user experience on Chartmetric more efficient, more enjoyable, and more clear. To do that, we rely on user-research to evaluate the usability of Chartmetric’s interface to uncover areas of opportunity as we move forward.

From Artists to Management to A&R Reps looking to spot the next rising star; the use-cases of Chartmetric are varied and specific. To better understand these roles, we conduct customer interviews and observational walk-throughs. While I've spoken to many of you; for those of you I haven't met, I'm Adam– a product designer here at Chartmetric. Design research allows our team to prototype rapidly and ensure we aren’t making assumptions about what tools you need.

You may have already noticed some changes to Chartmetric over the past few months; a direct result of listening to our users and implementing their feedback. Let's take a look at a few updates you may have missed.